Liferafts, Fire Safety, Lifeboats

Marine Evacuation Systems

marine evacuation systems installation services

In partnership with W.H. Brennan Singapore - Survitec Group - Harin Panich plan to bring passenger safety and security to Thai waters. Europe, not to mention Japan, and even recently Singapore had made swift regulatory advancement to require MES in passenger ferries. Thailand with its pristine ocean and beautiful islands has ever growing tourism industry; Harin aims to play a crucial role in transforming marine safety for the sustainable growth of the national economy, and national reputation.

Marin Ark Deployed
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Marin Ark

MARIN ARK1:  one of the fastest deployment speed requiring only 90 seconds to be operational. System equipped with fully reversible liferafts ensures upright inflation each and every time. 

MARIN ARK2: world's largest dry-shod with dual spiral slide path allows for safe, rapid and controlled descent with no restrictions to the size of passenger.

Marin Ark (Cont'd)

MARIN ARK 109: launched, inflated and bowsed in 145 seconds with a capacity to evacuate 109 passengers in 15 minutes. Allow up to 7m of freeboard.

MARIN ARK OVER-CAPACITY LIFERAFT: accessories to complement the Marin Ark during deployment for increased capacity. Available in various sizes, 50P, 109P & 158P.

DSB CAT-Slide Systems

Specifically designed for smaller ferries and passenger vessels. Very simple system that only requires one crew member for system deployment. Cat-Slide neatly stowed in a valise next to the evacuation point.